Today 601318 is making historical new high ...... while 016.HK seems without turbo.
It seems that 016.HK management are doing not good enough in recent years. In facts, nowadays 016.HK should consider "shares buyback" instead of "lands buying" just like 823.HK, and even declare 1 for 10 bonus shares yearly just like 012.HK although I admit that it adds no value to the company.
"Issuing bonus shares" or "Shares buyback" do not itself "push" market prices. It is the market investors valuing what the fair market price of a particular stock should be and a trading/market price is concluded as a result.
I am definitely a long run investor because my investment portfolio always holding listed shares >95% with cash<5%. But I also do "stocks switching" when a member stock is over-valued by the market (based on my judgement of course). So, let's say if 016.HK is now HK$200 and 083.HK is still<HK$14, I would sell 016.HK and in the same time buy 083.HK. I am still recognised myself a long run investor!
I still want to maximise my total investment portfolio ...... I may not do "stocks switching" when I feel rich enough because it needs time ^_^
This is just an illustration. I am still holding 016.HK. You must expect that "stocks switching" is not an everyday practice!
Everytime after doing "stocks switching", I still roughly hold the same total amount of investment portfolio, and dividends income from portfolio members are still mainly my cash inflow. A smart "stocks switching" may even not only minimise short run risk but also bring out more dividends income!
Student says :
回覆刪除I have no 2318 but have 601318.
Besides I never have 2628.
刪除Student says :
刪除Very luckily, I bought 601318 on 17Mar2017 @RMB36.17(including costs) with around 5% discount c.f. 2318.HK
Very luckily, its market price has been going up while the China stocks market mainly going down since then.
I think I am lucky in this deal.
刪除Student says :
刪除I am naive and do not know any business model.
I just see 2318.HK past several years' net profits were steadily growing. But 2628.HK was unstable and P/E always much higher than 2318.HK
Thanks Value Sir.
Student says :
刪除Today 601318 is making historical new high ...... while 016.HK seems without turbo.
It seems that 016.HK management are doing not good enough in recent years. In facts, nowadays 016.HK should consider "shares buyback" instead of "lands buying" just like 823.HK, and even declare 1 for 10 bonus shares yearly just like 012.HK although I admit that it adds no value to the company.
刪除Student says :
刪除Why neutral? I guess 016.HK is your No.1 or No.2 weighting stock!
"Shares buyback" by blue-chips is welcomed by the market...... see 005.HK and 1113.HK !
Issuing "bonus shares" is also welcomed by the market...... see 003.HK and 012.HK !
At present conditions, I value 016.HK should worth HK$160 c.f. 012.HK and 1113.HK
刪除I think us individual investors/shareholders should explain above ideas to the management of 016.HK
刪除Student says :
刪除My respectful Value Sir,
"Issuing bonus shares" or "Shares buyback" do not itself "push" market prices. It is the market investors valuing what the fair market price of a particular stock should be and a trading/market price is concluded as a result.
I am definitely a long run investor because my investment portfolio always holding listed shares >95% with cash<5%. But I also do "stocks switching" when a member stock is over-valued by the market (based on my judgement of course). So, let's say if 016.HK is now HK$200 and 083.HK is still<HK$14, I would sell 016.HK and in the same time buy 083.HK. I am still recognised myself a long run investor!
I still want to maximise my total investment portfolio ...... I may not do "stocks switching" when I feel rich enough because it needs time ^_^
Student says :
刪除My respectful Value Sir,
This is just an illustration. I am still holding 016.HK. You must expect that "stocks switching" is not an everyday practice!
Everytime after doing "stocks switching", I still roughly hold the same total amount of investment portfolio, and dividends income from portfolio members are still mainly my cash inflow. A smart "stocks switching" may even not only minimise short run risk but also bring out more dividends income!
刪除2628 我都持有, 倉內最差, 遲 D 也沽!
回覆刪除中人壽雖為龍頭之一, 但業務增長跑輸平保
平保旗下金融平台籌備上市, 會對平保估值帶來正面影響嗎?
回覆刪除至少比投資者感覺積極拓展業務, 釋法集團內在價值