I am concerned about their operation risk when they invested a lot in a short period of time. They still have some valuable assests such as gas business and IFC.
I don't think it has operation risk. 012.HK's reputation is strong enough to ask for more bank borrowings. Without doubt, It can finish the projects as scheduled.
But 012.HK shall be suffered when these two Central properties are established.
I predict the rental incomes to be receivable from these properties are less than local bank 1-year fixed deposit interest rate by that time. As such, these properties shall be subject to downward revaluations, may be over a period of 3 years.
Besides, Towngas is still overvalued at present market price HK$8.16.
Those projects are too substantial. They might be harmful to their captial when the decrease in property value happens. Towngas is providing them with a stable cashflow.
個人覺得李兆基家族重注中區兩地王 為名多過為利 他日恆基將取代英資置地成為中區第一大地主。我忽然聯想起二十多年前誠哥重注英國3G 差點出大事。不同於3G蝕足多年 年年撇賬 恆基兩幢超商廈一落成就年年有大量穩定租金收入 當然你若相信香港無未來 就甚麼都不用說了。
刪除恒基美利道個rental yield好低的, 叫佢出多次價都不可能係哩口價。長和系作風一向都係睇數字睇得好緊, 係哩一兩年入面, 長實股價硬淨過其他本地地產股係有原因
刪除This time I agree with Value Sir's thinkings: 012.HK is relatively not safe!
刪除I am concerned about their operation risk when they invested a lot in a short period of time.
刪除They still have some valuable assests such as gas business and IFC.
I don't think it has operation risk. 012.HK's reputation is strong enough to ask for more bank borrowings. Without doubt, It can finish the projects as scheduled.
刪除But 012.HK shall be suffered when these two Central properties are established.
I predict the rental incomes to be receivable from these properties are less than local bank 1-year fixed deposit interest rate by that time. As such, these properties shall be subject to downward revaluations, may be over a period of 3 years.
Besides, Towngas is still overvalued at present market price HK$8.16.
Those projects are too substantial. They might be harmful to their captial when the decrease in property value happens.
刪除Towngas is providing them with a stable cashflow.